Monday, October 5, 2015

Colonial Diary Entry

Write a diary during colonial American times.  First, choose a fictitious identity and living area (Jamestown, Plymouth, or Quaker Pennsylvania).  The diary entry will be based upon one person visiting the other colony and describing the differences in life between the two.  Use your imaginations as well as historical knowledge when creating your entry.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Native World Versus Euopean World, a Clash, 1400-1600

After comparing and contrasting the way of life for the Europeans and Native Americans in class, please describe the similarities and differences between the two groups.  What beliefs, values, and cultural differences made it extremely difficult for the two groups to coexist?  Also, please respond to two of your classmate's posts as well.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Columbus or Zheng He?

Christopher Columbus or Zheng He, who discovered America? Write 175-200 words discussing your viewpoint, while utilizing evidence and logic to support your rationale. Please comment on two of your classmate's posts as well.