Friday, September 11, 2015

Columbus or Zheng He?

Christopher Columbus or Zheng He, who discovered America? Write 175-200 words discussing your viewpoint, while utilizing evidence and logic to support your rationale. Please comment on two of your classmate's posts as well.


  1. Cole Couchon 9/14/15
    I believe that Zheng He was the first one to discover America because all the evidence points to it. The author of the book that has evidence Gavin Menchies says that the Chinese had all the maps from that time period. He used diaries from the people on the ships. It says that the four fleets went to Rhode Island and the west coast of America. The Chinese had the ability to map the whole world and explored the world and got to America before Columbus. Some trees from California are Chinese and they also brought over clothing and other things that tells us that the Chinese were there first. The ships they had was 450ft long and they had everything they needed for exploring for long trips. They had food, water, doctors, and equipment for fixing their boats. They discovered America before Columbus because it was 70 years before he would find America but not to be the first one to discover it. There is enough proof to show us that Columbus didn’t discover it first, but second and he did take Indians as slaves and gold. But Zheng He didn’t take anything from American land like Columbus did. This is why I think that Columbus didn’t discover America first but Zheng He did.

  2. Great job Cole!!! In fact the Chinese intermarried and became part of the culture in many areas, not destroying the indigenous culture.


  3. From reading the evidence in class about Zheng He, I now believe that he discovered our country rather than Christopher Columbus. Some evidence I can give to support my viewpoint are, in the book “1421” Gavin Menzies states that Zheng He left in 1421 on his voyage around the globe. This would make Columbus 70 years behind in “discovering” America. A piece of evidence that Menzies includes to support this theory is the findings of Chinese flowers in Africa, How would Chinese flowers come to Africa? If you look at a map of Zheng He’s travels around the world it clearly states that he sailed around Africa, every place he stopped he left items and people (kind of like breadcrumbs/clues) to make sure people knew where he stopped. Sadly, when he left and returned back to China there was a new emperor who did not allow sailing/traveling outside of china. If he figured out that anyone traveled outside of china again they would be executed. So, that left Zheng He in china and not able to go back and pick up the people he left in different continents. Not only did the new emperor not allow traveling, he also destroyed all of the evidence that Zheng He had about his trips around the world. Leaving us clueless to Zheng He’s existence until recently. That is why I think Zheng He discovered our country.

  4. Reading from evidence, I am now a firm believer that Zheng He discovered America before Christopher Columbus. Some evidence shows that the Chinese mapped the whole world and their travels. Zheng He also set foot in American in 1421 many years before Christopher Columbus did in 1492. Another example is where the Europeans explorers when setting sail to "The New World" found things that belonged to Chinese culture like trees and flowers and such. Every land the Chinese set foot on, when they leave, then leave some of their men who obviously would have a piece of their culture with them. Gavin Menzie's evidence shows that the whole world was charted in 1423, BEFORE the Europeans set sail. Evidence also shows that the Europeans used accurate maps when they sailed off but they could not have done that without the voyage of Zheng He in 1421 or else he would have gotten lost and would have never found the New World.Another piece of evidence from Gavin Menzies says that when the first Europeans explorers set on American land they found Chinese people as they explored more of the land. I no longer believe Christopher Columbus actually discovered America after reading the reliable evidence from Gavin Menzies's book "1421".

    1. I agree with you Ciarra, how could Chinese men end up on different continents in 1421 without traveling there. They were their before Columbus in 1492.

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  6. After gathering my evidence I believe that Columbus is not the founder of America but it was a Chinese named Zheng He. Gavin Menzies wrote a book “1421” which states that Zheng he set sail 70 years before Columbus and the Chinese circumnavigated the world and mapped it out and visited every continent. Zheng he also left little gifts and dropped people of everywhere he went. In California there is some Chinese trees and I don't think they walked there. The Chinese brought them over and he also left Flowers in Africa. Chinese dogs are also living in Australia and they were brought from the Chinese. More prove that The Chinese where here first is that in Florida there is a rock formation that's not natural but man made so they could dock the ships and boats, it's now under water but there's photographs and scuba divers whose seen it. With all the evidence I found and read threw I know believe that Zheng he is the one who discovered American not Columbus.

  7. From reading the evidence in class about Zheng He, I now believe that he discovered our country rather than Christopher Columbus. Some evidence I can give to support my viewpoint are, in the book “1421” Gavin Menzies states that Zheng He left in 1421 on his voyage around the globe. This would make Columbus 70 years behind in “discovering” America. A piece of evidence that Menzies includes to support this theory is the findings of Chinese flowers in Africa, How would Chinese flowers come to Africa? If you look at a map of Zheng He’s travels around the world it clearly states that he sailed around Africa, every place he stopped he left items and people (kind of like breadcrumbs/clues) to make sure people knew where he stopped. Sadly, when he left and returned back to China there was a new emperor who did not allow sailing/traveling outside of china. If he figured out that anyone traveled outside of china again they would be executed. So, that left Zheng He in china and not able to go back and pick up the people he left in different continents. Not only did the new emperor not allow traveling, he also destroyed all of the evidence that Zheng He had about his trips around the world. Leaving us clueless to Zheng He’s existence until recently. That is why I think Zheng He discovered our country.

    1. Rami i agree with you because he did have lots of evidence to back it up.
      Good job

  8. After learning about Zheng He I think that he discovered America 70 years before Columbus because in the book "1421" by Gavin Menzie he says that Zheng He and his men traveled to 30 countries and one was America. When the europeans went traveling they found flowers and other things that where from the Chinese so this would cause some commotion on how they got there but as we know from Gavin Menzie Zheng's men have must of traveled and then planted these flowers. Zheng and his crew had everything they needed on this ships. They had food, water, and shelter and this ship was 450 ft long thats way longer than Christopher columbus's ships. You could fit more people on Zhengs ships than you could on columbus's. An unfortunate turn of events happened when Zheng returned to china and then the emperor told him he could not sail and travel anymore thats when Zheng he life basically stopped and his evidence was gone. I believe that Columbus did not discover America first Zheng did.

    1. I agree with you Mitchell because you said Zheng discovered 70 years before Columbus. Zheng and his men planted flowers as they traveled to different countries.

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  10. After reading the evidence of Zheng He i think that Zheng He discovered America before Columbus.Columbus discovered America 70 years after Zheng He. In Gavin Menzies book "1421" it was said that the Chinese created the star charts and the only way they could've gathered that information is by traveling the continents. Where Zheng He went he left clues that he was there. The Chinese also figured out how to calculate longitude which could have helped them get around. Zheng He mapped the the world which means he had to have visited america to know what and where it was. Zheng He traveled the seas with a boat 450 feet in length. The boat carried food doctors things that were used o fix the boat and anything else tat they would probably needed. There were death stones left in different parts of the world There were pieces of the Chinese wood found scattered in different places.places. Unfortunately the emperor was gone and a new one was brought up and there could be no more exploring which wasn't fair. The ship yards were destroyed and ships left to rot. records of the voyages were all destroyed by the emperor. I now believe that Zheng He was discovered America before Columbus.

    1. I agree with you Victoria because you said he discovered America 70 years before Columbus did. You said Zheng left clues to show that he was there.

    2. I agree. I don't like Columbus anymore...

    3. I agree with you Victoria, how could Columbus be one of the first people to discover America in 1492, 70 years after Zheng He actually discovered it and left artifacts there, it wouldn't be logical.

  11. After learning about Zheng I think he discovered America 1st because in his book “Who Discovered America?,” published Tuesday, author Gavin Menzies says the settling of North America by nonnative peoples is more complex than previously thought. ‘The traditional story of Columbus discovering the New World is absolute fantasy, it’s fairy tales,” Menzies, 76, said in an interview with the Daily Mail. However, not everyone is sold on the theory. Menzies has been derided as a “pseudo-historian” by critics, who say his claims are grandiose and not based in historical fact. Menzies has primarily focused his studies on when and how North America was first explored but he has also argued that the mythological city of Atlantis was real. Menzies also has passionate supporters — his previous books have been best-sellers, and proponents of his theories have donated millions to his efforts, allowing him to hire a number of experts to join in his investigations. Menzies says that the Chinese map, found in a bookstore and created in the 18th century, is attributed to Chinese Admiral Zheng He and shows a detailed map of America dating back to 1418. That would place Zheng He’s efforts some 70 years ahead of Columbus. His influence over Asian culture was so strong that he is still considered a god in parts of Indonesia.

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  13. Before I even read the evidence, I thought that Christopher Columbus discovered America, now after reading all the evidence, I fully believe that Zheng He was the first to discover America, not Columbus. Zheng He was the leader of 7 voyages and one of those voyages was to America which was 70 years before Columbus came to America. Zheng He also visited more than 30 countries, and one of those countries was America. He was able to go all that way because he had 450ft ships with hundreds, and thousands of his men. He was also able to navigate the world, and he could calculate longitudes. Also, in the book “1421” by Gavin Menzies, he states that every time Zheng He and his men stopped at a continent, people, artifacts, and other items were left there to prove that they were their first, and not Columbus. Now people wonder why Chinese items were there in 1421.Columbus came to America in 1492, Columbus wants to feel like the hero for discovering America, when he actually didn't discover it in the first place.

  14. After reviewing the book, "1421: The Year China Discovered The World", I realized that Colombus took all of the credit for Zheng He in discovering America. Gavin Menzies revealed this untold truth in his book. The Chinese left markings on each place they explored such as maps, stones with their language written on it, and their home grown flowers. Zheng He specifically left these markings on each place of the world he stopped at to leave behind proof that he was there. Another piece of evidence was found in Florida where the formation of rock from a ship was left. After Zheng He came back to China from his travels, there was a new emperor who didn't respect people leaving his country and would execute anybody who did. So Zheng He wasn't able to go back to the places he left his people which meant that they were stuck wherever they were for good. Also, the maps Zheng He created of the rest of the world, and the ships, and most of the evidence were destroyed because he didn't want anybody to find out. So I think that with all of this evidence to back it up, Zheng He was the first to discover America, not Christopher Columbus. 

  15. I believe that Zheng He discovered America before Christopher Columbus. The evidence of the chinese mapping out everything and all the items they left behind are evident, also shows their travels. Zheng He set foot in American in 1421 years before Christopher Columbus which was in 1492. the European explorers while exploring "The New World" found stuff that belonged to Chinese like trees and flowers. Every land the Chinese set foot on, when they leave, then leave some of their men who obviously would have a piece of their culture with them. Gavin Menzie's evidence shows that the whole world was charted in 1423, way before the Europeans set sail. Evidence shows that the Europeans used maps when they sailed but they could not have done that without the voyage of Zheng He in 1421 or else he would have been lost and would have never found what they had "discovered". evidence from Gavin Menzies says that when the first European explorers set on American soil they found Chinese people as they explored more of the land. I never believed Christopher Columbus discovered America but after reading the evidence from Gavin Menzies's book "1421" I am a firm believer that he didn’t
