Monday, October 5, 2015

Colonial Diary Entry

Write a diary during colonial American times.  First, choose a fictitious identity and living area (Jamestown, Plymouth, or Quaker Pennsylvania).  The diary entry will be based upon one person visiting the other colony and describing the differences in life between the two.  Use your imaginations as well as historical knowledge when creating your entry.


  1. If I was going to pick a colony to live in back in the 1700s i would pick Rhode Island because it seems like a wonderful place to live in back then. In Rhode island you can have a religious tolerance unlike Massachusetts there is no wrong religion and you do not get hurt or even killed for your religion. To go to college i would have to study the bible and Rhode island has public schools and tutors unless you live on a farm then you would be taught by your parents. Rhode island is a beautiful place with rivers, mountains, trees, woodlands and lots of coves. Some work opportunities there are shipping, livestock, and agriculture also there was a lot of whaling. In Rhode island the produces lots of corn, pumpkins, rye, and squash. Rhode island is better then other colony's I think because its not as harsh as some other places such as mass and other places. Rhode island and mass are a lot different they have different beliefs as in religious freedoms. In mass they have big plantations and small farms they would have a lot of slaves unlike Rhode island. Rhode island seems to be a great place for me to settle over all the other colony's.

    1. I agree with Mitchell Rhode Island was a nice place to live because of the rivers, mountains, trees, woodlands and lots of coves.It didn't have a disease that killed half the passengers on a ship like my colony Plymouth and their were great work opportunities in Rhode Island like shipping, livestock, agriculture and a lot of whaling. It didn't matter what religion you were there was no wrong religion

    2. I agree with Mitchell, I think that Rhode Island is a great colony. They definitely have the most opportunities for schooling, religion, and work. It would be my top choice.

  2. I agreed with Mitchell because it would be a wonderful place to live in back then and today. Their are several reasons why i picked Rhode Island over my colony and the others like how some don't have a army and others don''t have public schools for the rich and the poor. Or how others would have only white people there which would be awkward for me since I am use to all colors being in the same place. I would also like to go to Rhode Island because of how they teach the kids from the bible witch would make it so my children would be comfortable in their religion and the people around them

  3. If I was going to pick a colony to live in back in the colonial times I would pick Plymouth because it was a wonderful place to live it was a big fishing community.Fishing and trading made the colony self-sufficient within five years after it was founded.Even though the 1st winter was harsh and there was half of the passengers died us who survived greatly aided by a plundered supply of Indian corn, were still able to establish a stable settlement.The 1617–1619 contagion brought by English fishermen and traders had greatly weakened the local Indian populace, so the Pilgrims initially faced little threat from native peoples. Plymouth town was, in fact, conveniently built on cleared area that had once been an Indian cornfield.Migration from England allowed the colony to grow, albeit slowly.On 22 July 1620 a group of about thirty Pilgrims left Delfshaven, Holland, and arrived in Southampton by month's end. They met the Mayflower,which carried about seventy non-Separatists hired by Weston to journey to America as laborers. After a great deal of trouble with the Speedwell, the ship had to be abandoned, and only the Mayflower left Plymouth, England, for America on 16 September 1620.In 1624 are Colony's population stood at 124. By 1637 it reached 549. By 1643 settlers had founded nine additional towns. Compared to our neighbor Massachusetts Bay, are Colony grew very modestly, reaching a population of only about 7,000 by 1691.The Pilgrims sold most of their possessions in Leyden and purchased a ship—the Speedwell—to take them to Southampton, England. Weston hired another ship—the Mayflower—to join the Speedwell on the voyage to America.

  4. If I were to pick any colony in the colonial times I would choose Maryland. Maryland accepted any kinds of religion. They practiced the religion of piece called Catholicism. There political environment was pretty calm unless there was any unsettling events happening. For children they taught the basic skills that you would need. The economic opportunities they have are being a farmer or a tobacco planter. They grew different kinds of plants like rice wheat and corn. Maryland was the place of manufacturing ships.

    1. I disagree with Victoria, I think that Maryland was a bad colony to go to. They were only focused on one religion. If you went to Maryland you would have to practice catholicism, and if thats not what you believe in then you shouldn't be required to practice it. Even though you could make money growing tobacco, the religion issue definitely would keep me from moving to this colony.

  5. One of my biggest concerns in picking a new colony is religion; I want my religious freedom guaranteed. I would never live in Pennsylvania where the religion was very strict, I want a colony where I can be free and live the religious path that I choose. That is why I picked Rhode Island as the colony I would move to. Some other reasons I am picking this colony besides religion is their economic opportunities. If I lived in Rhode Island I could work in the shipping industry, I could be a sailor, or an apprentice. Since most of the colony was based on timber products, the fur trade, maple syrup, copper, livestock products, horses, run, whiskey and beer, I could work in the trade industry also. But most importantly the religion aspect would change my decisions greatly. That is why I didn’t choose any of the other colonies. I feel that Rhode Island definitely has the most religious freedom.

    1. I agree with hannah because you have to be careful with the colony that has religion that would force it on you when you go to that colony

  6. If I was going to pick one colony to live in, in the 1700s i would pick Rhode Island because it seems like a more peaceful and easier place to live. Rhode island you can have a religious tolerance there is no right religion you are not killed for your religion. For me to go to college i would have to study the bible and there would be public schools and tutors to my advantage but depending on where you lived you might have to be home schooled. Rhode island has mountains, trees, woodlands. work opportunities for me are shipping, livestock, and agriculture and there was a lot of whaling. In Rhode island the produces lots of corn, pumpkins, rye, and squash was very valuable also rhode island had no need for slaves whuch would also be good for me (since i'm black)

    1. I agree with you Chavon because Rhode Island was and still is a wonderful place to live because you can have a religious tolerance there is no right religion you are not killed for your religion.Rhode island has mountains, trees, woodlands. work opportunities for me are shipping, livestock, and agriculture and there was a lot of whaling. In Rhode island the produces lots of corn, pumpkins, rye, and squash was very valuable also Rhode island had no need for slaves which was also good.

    2. I agree with you Chavon because Rhode Island was and still is a wonderful place to live because you can have a religious tolerance there is no right religion you are not killed for your religion.Rhode island has mountains, trees, woodlands. work opportunities for me are shipping, livestock, and agriculture and there was a lot of whaling. In Rhode island the produces lots of corn, pumpkins, rye, and squash was very valuable also Rhode island had no need for slaves which was also good.

    3. I agree with Chavon because rhode island was a quiet and peaceful place to live

  7. If I had to live in a colony it would have to be Plymouth Ma because it has no Indians killing the colonists. And it has a big fishing industries and big trading. And there is so much wood to build homes. There is lots of work for people to do in Plymouth. The colonists had learned how to make houses and get food for their families. There is lots of natural beauty of the land. There are mining industries in Plymouth that mine for gold, silver, diamonds, and other types of minerals. There is water near by for getting water for drinking. And there is an Indian population on the land who helped the colonists by giving them corn. There is a lot to do and see in Plymouth so this is why I would live in Plymouth Ma.

  8. If I was going to pick a colony in the 1700s it would be Rhode Island! I think the religion freedom beat other places. Also Rhode Island is such a peaceful area. In other places you can get killed for your religion... It a good economic opportunity for you and your family! Beautiful colony with lots of tress, rivers, mountains and woodlands . Good place to work like livestock, agriculture and shipping so you pretty much you always have work and money! You can also plant lots of plants like corn, pumpkins, rye, and squash! Big shipping industry. Schools for everyone unless you live on a farm then you get home schooling or something. Also if you live on a farm you can have cows for milk, pigs to eat, chickens for eggs and other stuff! Other states are strict so lets go to Rhode Island!

  9. If I was going to pick a colony in the 1700s it would be Rhode Island! I think the religion freedom beat other places. Also Rhode Island is such a peaceful area. In other places you can get killed for your religion... It a good economic opportunity for you and your family! Beautiful colony with lots of tress, rivers, mountains and woodlands . Good place to work like livestock, agriculture and shipping so you pretty much you always have work and money! You can also plant lots of plants like corn, pumpkins, rye, and squash! Big shipping industry. Schools for everyone unless you live on a farm then you get home schooling or something. Also if you live on a farm you can have cows for milk, pigs to eat, chickens for eggs and other stuff! Other states are strict so lets go to Rhode Island!

  10. If I was going to pick one colony to live in, in the 1700s i would pick Rhode Island because it seems like a more peaceful and easier place to live. I think the religion freedom beat other places. Also Rhode Island is such a peaceful area. In other places you can get killed for your religion... It a good economic opportunity for you and your family! Beautiful colony with lots of tress, rivers, mountains and woodlands.Rhode Island is also Beautiful colony with lots of tress, rivers, mountains and woodlands . Good place to work like livestock, agriculture and shipping so you pretty much you always have work and money. You can also plant lots of plants like corn, pumpkins, rye, and squash! Big shipping industry.

  11. if i was going to pick a colony to live in back in the 1700s i would like to live in Mass because they value education a lot and its pretty peaceful and is a safer place to live.
    Also in Massachusetts you don't have to worry about them Indians trying to kill you so its also a safe place to settle. There are good jobs to get in Mass. like shipbuilding and manufacturing, lots of fishing to eat and you can plant Corn, Pumpkins, rye, squash, and ETC. There are also a lot of good economic opportunities for you and your family's. the Scenery in Mass is beautiful, especially in the fall and the trees and mountains and the woodlands and rivers and creeks.
